
General advice and hints.

Stuck on a level?

Try checking out a 'have you tried' list, such as this one and going over every detailed step.
Or, you could ask for a hint in the Nordinho thread or the Discord Server.

Hints from 1-10

1: Small to big!
2: The cipher name is also a type of salad.
3: Control plus U!
4: The artist also made a song called 'Light it up'
5: It's quite periodic
6: Use an image editor like GIMP.
7: First letters!
8: EXTEND sions? Scroll down after.
9: Follow the chain!
10: You used this a few minutes ago!

Secret Level Hints

Secret Level 1: At a dark spot
Secret Level 2: Next to some water
Secret Level 3: Unstable entrance
Secret Level 4: Collective usage
Secret Level 5: Suffering in an abyss